Sunday, October 26, 2008

Trash the Dress

My first Trashing the Dress session! Its was so much fun! Thanks Jo!
I felt very bad when Troy after just 2 days of being married, lost his ring in the river. After a lot of praying they went back the next day and found it right away. How great is that!

Was awesome to trash your dress Joanna, I just love the pictures.

Wedding by the lake

Back in July, I photographed a very special wedding for my "adopted sister". Joanna and Troy are like family to me and they are an awesome couple. It was great to go back to Halifax and celebrate her big day with people I love. It was a very small and intimate wedding, lots of crying and smiling faces. The backyard ceremony was only for the immediate family, and of course me, until the reception where all the friends show up then the real party began...

Lots of Love

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Christmas is Almost Here

Just a quick reminder to my clients!
We are approaching Christmas very fast here, and I'd like to let everyone know that portrait orders have to be placed
before November 15
if you want to get cards back before Christmas. The last day for booking for the Holiday Season is November 1st, and all the portraits taken after that day cannot be guaranteed to be delivered by December 24.

By clicking on the image, you can view our Christmas Card collection:

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Quick Update

I know that I have been neglecting my responsibilities as a blogger, and I haven't posted anything since August, but that's not because my work schedule is lacking, it's the opposite. God has blessed me with a lot of work and a great man by my side. How can I thank Him enough. I promise you will see some new stuff in a matter of days.

For now I just have some great news to announce:

1. I got engaged on Sept. 28. 2008! Wedding details will follow:

2. I was approved to be in the Edmonton Bridal Fair next January, meaning big responsibilities, and lots of work.

3. I start my exhibition on December 1st till January 30th at the University Hospital.

4; My church and I will be doing some outreach for needy families. Here is some info: