Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fall Session with the Prosser Family

September is one of my favorite months to do outside family portraits. With vibrant colors, and pleasant weather, everything just seems much more delightful.

The day I went out with the Prosser Family, I think I experienced one of busiest days that month, as I had a total three family photo-shoots in one day! However, the location which I had had in mind - the grounds of the Alberta Legislature - was loaded with photographers taking wedding and family pictures of hundreds of people.

So, due to overload at the Leg, we decided to go to the beautiful river valley park with the Prossers along with their two great doggies. We had so much fun, especially trying to get the baby and the dogs' attention in the same time. Well, we did managed to pull it all together and I think that the end results are amazing. Here are some of the shots from the day:

Great photography conditions are always enhanced with a photogenic group.

Take care,


Friday, February 6, 2009

Do I See Double?

I had a chance to meet Cindy and Kristian back in April when Cindy was about 7 months pregnant with twins. She already had a big round belly and I was amazed that on some of the shots I could even see the way the babies were positioned! Those little infants give her some trouble by pushing her lung so we needed to take it slow and easy. Cindy did a very great job and Kristian is a great support for her:

Finally, the twins arrived, and after a couple of months of being in this world, their parents decided to take them to the first photoshoot of their life. It felt like they had decided to move in, as I never had seen so many accessories coming along with babies. Also, I had never photographed twins before either, and I was delighted to do it with such a cute bundle of joys. They seemed to have different personalities as well - for example, often when one was quiet the other one was crying.

Thanks so much! Hope to see you all again soon,
