Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lorelei Beaumaris Soccer Team 2009

During the summer, we had the privilege of photographing the Tigers Soccer League. The day started out very cold and windy with some drizzling rain on top of that. I was worried about my studio lights which were set up on the field. Thankfully, my loving assistant (husband) was able to hold on to the light so it didn't get blown away by the wind. Unfortunately, thanks to the weather, some families didn't want to wait around for their individual shots! Well, hopefully next year around the same time, it will be a better day for people to just stick around.

Here is the 30x36 Plaque I designed for the league:

One out of nine groups we photographed:

Some of the individual shots we took that day:

Have a great season Tigers!

Helga & Peter

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