Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Professional's Photography

Welcome to my blog, and its very first post! I decided that this would be a great forum to share some short stories and highlights from my various photographic exploits. I own my own professional photography business, and regularly work to "capture the moment" at Edmonton-area weddings, portrait sessions, area daycares, and many other situations (for more detailed background about my business and a wide sampling of work I have done, please visit my official home page: Helga Himer Photography Co.).

Apart from my business, it goes without saying that I have a personal love for photography, and rarely go anywhere without a camera, even if I'm not doing an official photo-shoot! With my own personal sense of artistic license, I like to capture interesting landscapes, people, and situations, and then sometimes enhance them with Photoshop. And now, with this blog, I can share the bounty of digital photographs I make with the rest of the world (or at least, anyone with access to the Internet). I hope you enjoy them, and please feel free to comment.

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