Thursday, June 12, 2008

Our Trip to Drumheller

Last week, my boyfriend and I went to visit Drumheller, Alberta. There were many interesting sites in the surrounding landscape, known as the "badlands" whose hilly features are distinctly different from the typical endlessly flat prairie horizons of Alberta:

Stormy clouds did not dampen our spirits, but provided photo-opportunities instead:

The area is known for its fascinating geological formations known as hoodoos:

There is also quite a coal mining history around here. At the former site of Atlas Coal Mine, historical remnants include this headframe:

Another local curiosity is this extremely small local church, known as "Little Church". Very tiny. It has room for six within, including one preacher:

Then there was a historical suspension bridge to see, which once brought coal miners and ore to and from Star Mine.

And for this same site, a little enhancement went a long way:

Who would have thought traversing the Red Deer River would be so interesting?

Well, I hope you enjoyed this introductory sampling of photos. More to come as I provide some of the results I have enjoyed from photo sessions, trips, random occasions. I am always watching for that right confluence of lighting, location, and drama, and hope you return to see them.

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